Things that are Not Here and Small things that are Big
Things that are Not Here and Small things that are Big
Things that are Not Here and Small things that are Big
Things that are Not Here and Small things that are Big
Things that are Not Here and Small things that are Big
Things that are Not Here and Small things that are Big

series, installation: 2016, pinched porcelain, SLA printed resin, Fresnel Lenses, wood, metal, paint, 20' x 4'

photo: OlliePHOTO

Things that are Not Here and Small things that are Big
Things that are Not Here and Small things that are Big

series, installation detail: 2016, pinched porcelain, SLA printed resin, Fresnel Lenses, wood, metal, paint.

photo: OlliePHOTO

Things that are Not Here and Small things that are Big
Things that are Not Here and Small things that are Big

series, installation detail: 2016, pinched porcelain, SLA printed resin, Fresnel Lenses, wood, metal, paint.

photo: OlliePHOTO

Things that are Not Here and Small things that are Big
Things that are Not Here and Small things that are Big

series, installation detail: 2016, pinched porcelain, SLA printed resin, Fresnel Lenses, wood, metal, paint.

photo: OlliePHOTO